Michael Heindl - Zu weit gegangen
raum AU
Slovenj Gradec (SI)
Opening: Sep. 20, 7pm
Exhibition: 21.9.2024 - 15.11.2024
I am very pleased to announce my first solo exhibition in Slovenia.
In the exhibited works I deal with the dynamics and conflicts that arise from a continuing alienation between humankind and the world. One focus is on the contradictions and paradoxes of human action that arise as a reaction to the crisis-ridden present. I am particularly interested in the momentum of repositioning that is inherent in these situations of uncertainty and loss of control.
European Forum Alpbach
Alpbach (AT)
Date: Aug. 26th, 5pm
An international short film selected by VIENNA SHORTS will be presented prior to each of the four main stage debates at the EFA24 event, providing a thought-provoking impulse. The artistic contributions will kick off the conversations and present a new approach to the topics under discussion!
Afterlives (Michael Heindl, AT 2022) will be shown at "Financing the Green Transition", 26 August, 5 p.m. at Herz-Kremenak-Saal (Congress Centrum Alpbach): Making the invisible visible through everyday dadaistic acts, Afterlives highlights the fate of consumer items: energy-intensive in production and soon discarded.
Dein Paket ist da!
Shoppen auf Bestellung
Museum der Arbeit
Hamburg (DE)
Opening: Sep. 3rd, 7 pm
Exhibition: 3.9.2024 - 28.4.2025
In der Ausstellung sollen die Besucherinnen und Besucher das Phänomen Versandhandel als ein komplexes Netzwerk aus Akteurinnen und Akteuren mit verschiedenen Rollen und Perspektiven erleben: Sie bieten Produkte an, füllen den Warenkorb, liefern aus und nehmen Pakete entgegen. So entsteht ein vielschichtiges Beziehungsgeflecht, das durch Kommunikation und Bewegung zwischen den einzelnen Beteiligten geprägt ist. Die Ausstellung möchte die Prozesse hinter den Kulissen aufzeigen, den Wert und die Menge der zu leistenden Arbeit verdeutlichen und den Versandhandel in den Kontext unserer modernen (Konsum-)Gesellschaft einordnen.
Curated by:
Dr. Sandra Schürmann, Florian Schütz
Sep. 3. - Sep. 8., 2024
My Film "Surface Séance" will be part of this years FANTOCHE Film Festival.
Fantoche is Switzerland’s biggest and most prestigious cultural event devoted exclusively to animation in all its many facets, in terms of the technology, content and media.
A Suitcase Project
Picture Theory Gallery
New York
May 14–19, Picture Theory, New York
June 14–29, Kunstraum Super, Vienna
The suitcase as an exhibition concept can be associated with Daniel Spoerri‘s Der Koffer (1961) and Marcel Duchamp‘s La Boîte-en-Valise (1938-1941), among others. Spoerri saw the suitcase as a symbol and means of transportation to collect and exhibit objects from the Nouveau réalisme group. Duchamp, on the other hand, used a box to gather all his works like a miniature, mobile museum. ‘37x21x21’ borrows from both approaches. The suitcase is a practical means of transportation as it ships art to exhibit from Vienna to New York and back. What also takes place is bartering, the oldest form of commerce that historically sustained communities. In this transcontinental exchange, artists trade art for art.
Organized by:
A Suitcase
Markus Riedler & David Mase
Picture Theory
Rebekah Kim
Innsbruck International 2024 - Biennale of the Arts
Innsbruck (AT)
Exhibition: May 3rd - May 25th 2024
INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL 2024 offers a guide to the coming times around the theme of HEAVEN CAN WAIT; how to deal with natural disasters, climate migration, the extinction of animal species and their effects on the individual. Do we hole up to survive or just surrender to the catastrophe? For HEAVEN CAN WAIT, we have invited artists whose work offers strategies for how individual strength can effect collective survival.
70. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
International Short Film Festival
Oberhausen (DE)
My shortfilm "Surface Séance" will have its German premiere at Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen film festival:
From 1 May, the best 117 films can be seen in the five competitions of the festival; on 5 May, the winners will be awarded in the Lichtburg Oberhausen.
Delphi Space
Freiburg (DE)
Opening: Sa, 27.4.2024, 18:00-22:00
Exhibition: 27.4.2024 – 7.6.2024
Artists: Om Bori, Lucian Bran, Deep Time Agency, Michael Heindl, Nina Ivanović, Rachel Jutka, Kevin Lüdicke, Tonka Maleković & Sophia Freidhoff, Uroš Pajović, Joseph Tasnádi, Thérèse Verrat & Vincent Toussaint
Im Rahmen des trinationalen Projekts YOUR WATER OUR WATER entsteht eine Wanderausstellung, die die drei jungen Kunsträume DELPHI_space in Freiburg (D), aqb in Budapest (HUN) und U10 Artspace in Belgrad (SRB) entlang der Donau vernetzt.
Gezeigt werden Werke, die sich mit historischen und ökologischen Zusammenhängen in Bezug auf die Donau und andere Wasserkörper beschäftigen. Die ausgestellten Malereien, Fotografien, Skulpturen und Videoarbeiten fragen nach Wechselwirkungen von Industrie und Flusslandschaft, untersuchen Mensch-Wasser-Beziehungen oder setzen sich mit Wasser als Metapher für Transformation und Erneuerung auseinander.
Diagonale 24´
Festival of Austrian Film
Graz (AT)
My shortfilm "Surface Séance" will have its Austrian premiere at Diagonale film festival:
The setting of a trip on the Vienna public transport system becomes a special research trip here, as filmmaker Michael Heindl approaches the trivialities of everyday life with conceptual delight. An amorphous being is his protagonist, the center of his image; it emerges from the brittle black in dirty white. They are traces of bodies, smudges, found on panes of glass and other surfaces in public spaces.
Friday, Apr. 5, 21:00, A5
Sunday, Apr. 7, 14:00, KIZ 1
The End of Language
Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade (RS)
Opening: Mar. 15th 2024
Exhibition: 16.3 - 6.5
The exhibition „The End of language - Wittgenstein re-imagined” presents the works of Serbian and Austrian artists inspired by the ideas of the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. The exhibition will present works ranging from minimalist language interventions, video installations, electro-acoustic experiments, sculpture, and collage to digital applications, visual poetry, and performative scenarios. Austrian and Serbian artists will attend the opening of the exhibition, as well as the guided tour on March 16th at noon.
Artists: Ana Maria Lima Dimitrijević, Anita Witek, Arnold Reinthaler, Astrid Schwarz, Barbara Hoeller, Daniela Fulgosi, Dea Džanković, Doris Theres Hofer, Dragana Žarevac, Dunja Trutin, Gerda Lampalzer, Irena Simić, Jochen Höller, Isabella Kohlhuber, Lana Vasiljević, Michael Heindl, Ernst Miesgang, Miljana Niković, Žarko Aleksić, Danica Bićanić, Boris Burić, Goran Despotovski, Nikola Radosavljević, Roswitha Weingrill/Stevan Kojić, Werner Jauk/Laura Sophie Meyer, Daniel Rothbart, Sonja Meller, Stefan Winsperger, Vanja Novaković.
Aix-en-Prevence (FR)
My film AFTERLIVES will be screened as part of the international competition on Nov. 30 at 11:30 am at Cinéma Cezanne.
Vienna (AT)
Opening: Nov. 21st. 2023, 7pm
Exhibition: Nov. 22 - Dec. 15
Michael Heindl
Luise Höggerl
Mira Klug
Margret Kreidl
Veronika Mayer
Markus Pippan
Larissa Zauser
Curated by: zweintopf
42nd Uppsala Short Film Festival
Uppsala (SE)
Screening: Oct. 25. & Oct. 27.2023
Short film connoisseurs usually associate Austrian experimentalism with flickering images and noisy sound. A new generation of filmmakers around Anna Vasof, Michael Heindl, Total Refusal or Viktoria Schmid, however, cares little about these (outdated) conventions. Here, instead, genres and approaches are mixed at will, switching seemingly effortlessly from the performative to the humorous and from the political to the personal. The sound and the musical level always play an important role – be it as a rhythmic part of the performative act or as a touching link to the visual level. Sometimes we go headlong through the wall, but at other times we take it very gently, we are amazed by new perspectives, or we find ourselves holding our breath. Together we wonder about the world. ”Can we start glitching?”
Haruko Maeda & Michael Heindl
"As We Know It"
Elektrohalle Rhomberg
Salzburg (AT)
Opening: May 26th, 6-9pm
Exhibition: May 26th - July 1st
In their joint exhibition at Elektrohalle Rhomberg, Haruko Maeda (*1983) and Michael Heindl (*1988) reveal the fragility of the normality and the mundane. Through painting and film, they independently declare the always only supposedly existing normality to be the central aspect of a contemporary, human crisis. In the combination and juxtaposition of their works, a general problem is made tangible: the concept of the normal proves to be extremely imprecise and is always subject to the consistent change of realities of life.
OSTRALE Biennale 2023
Robotron Kantine
Dresden (DE)
Opening: June 10th, 2023
Exhibition: June 10th - Oct 1st 2023
Noch nie war unsere Gesellschaft so zerrissen wie heute, zugleich ist das Bedürfnis nach Gemeinschaft und Solidarität größer als je zuvor. Wir sind konfrontiert mit akuten und gewaltigen Fragen, Problemen und Herausforderungen wie der weltweiten sozialen Ungleichheit, dem Schutz unseres Planeten, einer andauernden Pandemie und dem Widerstand gegen Aggressoren. Der Versuch, sich objektive und fundierte Informationen zu diesen Themen zu beschaffen, fühlt sich mitunter an wie der Kampf David gegen Goliath. Medienkompetenz ist ein immer wichtiger werdendes Handwerkszeug unserer Zeit. Kritische Distanz ist unentbehrlich, um Hetze, Propaganda und Falschinformationen entlarven und ihnen Paroli bieten zu können.
Currated by: Andrea Hilger, Antka Hofmann, Lisa Uhlig
Diagonale 23´
Festival of Austrian Film
Graz (AT)
My shortfilm "Afterlives" will have its Austrian premiere at Diagonale film festival:
An undefinable plastic object drifts through blue waves. A faded clothespin bobs up and down in a pickle jar. Objects of a bygone daily life are brought back to the city. Disruption. Discomfort. In the form of small interventions in public space, the redundant objects become active objects of disruption whose potential for resistance is playfully and humorously explored in Afterlives.
Wednesday, 22.03, 10:30, KIZ Royal 2
Friday, 24.03, 21:00, Schubertkino 2
Let’s Get Lost
Delugue Contemporary Art,
Victoria (CA)
On view: March 18. - April 16. 2023
Anne-Marie Bouchard (CA),
Taisha Carrington (BB),
Johannes Gierlinger (AT),
David Gifford (CA),
Michael Heindl (AT),
Anna Kipervaser (UA/US)
Bernd Lützeler (IN/DE)
Kevin Obsatz (US)
Currated by: Deborah de Boer and Todd Eacrett
Vienna International Film Festival
Filmmuseum Wien
Screening: SA 22. Oct. 2022, 15:30
Have you ever seen the safety vest under your airplane seat? For what it entails, I hope you didn’t. Would it have helped though? Catastrophes are not the only way of accessing catastrophic objects, you can also silently take them with you. Steal, as they say. Or at least Michael Heindl can, and he can make a film in which he takes a vest and makes another object from it, an object very far from its original shape. But is it far from its own objecthood? There, alone on his island making anagrams out of disasters, is Heindl our Robinson Crusoe? (Lucía Salas)
In the presence of Michael Heindl.
This film will be shown as part of the screening SHORT FILM PROGRAMME 2: CRISES IN PARADISE.
Aufwärts fallen
Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein
Linz (AT)
Opening: 01.10.2022
On view: 02.10.2022 - 19.10.2022
studio ASYNCHROME, Johanna Binder, Bartosz Dolhun, Eva Eichinger & Ilona Rainer Pranter, Emanuel Ehgartner, FAXEN, Michael Heindl, Anna Vasof
Initiiert von Johanna Binder und Michael Heindl
Um Menschen zu überzeugen, bedarf es bisweilen weniger Wissenschaftlichkeit und klarer Fakten als gut erzählter Geschichten. Das Narrativ zu bestimmen und sich dadurch in der Deutungshoheit des vermeintlich Realen durchzusetzen, bedeutet Macht. Wie diese Macht korrumpiert und welche Gefahren davon ausgehen, führen Debatten über Lügenpresse, Filterblasen, Verschwörungstheorien oder Propaganda täglich vor Augen. Angeheizt durch die Algorithmen sozialer Medien, wird der Wille zur Vernunft dabei oft durch irrationale Kräfte ausgehebelt.
Die Ausstellung ist als Suche nach Strategien zu verstehen, um gängige Narrative aus ihrer Starre zu lösen, Neue zu erfinden, Konzepte von vermeintlichen Wahrheiten und Lügen in Frage zu stellen und die Fähigkeit des Zweifelns als eine unserer wichtigsten Eigenschaften zu reflektieren.
Magyar Műhely Galéria
Budapest (HU)
Opening: 07.09.2022
On view: 08.09.2022 - 07.10.2022
Pólya Zsombor (HU) & Michael Heindl (AT)
Currated by Antal István
„Wie kommt die Kunst zum Film? Wie kommt der Film zur Kunst?“
METRO Kinokulturhaus
Vienna (AT)
10. September 2022, 12:00 bid 20:00
In Kooperation mit der Kunstmesse viennacontemporary (8. bis 11. September 2022 im Wiener Kursalon) veranstaltet die Akademie des Österreichischen Films am 10. September im METRO Kinokulturhaus einen Tag zur Schnittstelle von Kunst und Film. Gezeigt werden Filme, die einen Kontext zur (bildenden) Kunst haben und/oder deren Filmemacher:innen sich als Vertreter:innen beider Welten sehen.
11th Lucca Biennale
Palazzo Ducale
Lucca (IT)
Opening: 31.07.2022
On view: 31.07.2022 - 25.09.2022
The White Page
What does a white page represent?
Endless possibilities. A different future, a dream that can come true, an ambition, a different perspective, an alternative to daily routine. A blank page gives us the feeling of being able to sketch out a new, different, better world.
At the same time, a white piece of paper can represent the anxiety of it all, the negative possibilities, the unexpected implications and a leap in the dark. An inability to act.
It is a bridge between the past and the future, it is an opportunity for free writing or the anguish of the unknown, it is the courage of making a choice or the loss of one’s comfort zone.
Open Air Kurzfilmfestival
Volkskundemuseum Wien
Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Vienna
Aug.31st 2022, 20:30
Express-Lektion in Kunstgeschichte mit Maria Lassing, Joanna Quinn & Co.: Widerständigen Musen begehren gegen die Dominanz der männlichen Blicke auf, die Jahrhunderte der Kunstgeschichte geprägt haben. In einem frechen Stakkato aus 10 Kurz- und Kürzestfilmen begibt sich der erste Teil der Filmreihe AFFAIRS OF THE ART auf die Suche nach jenem Ort, wo Kreativität entsteht. Doch wann wird Inspiration zur Obsession? Die Trennlinien verlaufen unsichtbar – oder sind erst gar nicht vorhanden, wie im herrlich überbordenden Wohnzimmer-Studio von NIX + GERBER, das praktischerweise auch gleich zum Gegenstand der nächsten Kreation wird. Kunst ist zur immer und überall verfügbaren Massenware geworden, die flugs per Onlinehandel ins eigene Zuhause kommt. Schlussendlich stellt sich hier die Frage nach dem Wert eines Kunstwerks im Zeitalter seiner prekären (Re-)Produzierbarkeit.
25th Gabrovo Biennal
"Economy Of Means"
Museum of Humor and Satire
Gabrovo (BU)
Opening: 20.05.2022
On view: 21.05.2022 - 30.09.2022
The world has been running on steroids. Nature is privatized and cheapened. Our voracious extraction and consumption of resources have created an ecological debt gone default. Acceleration and gigantism have shaped a metabolic cycle between capital and nature, North and South, rich and poor, clean and polluted, with greed and hypertrophy on one end and exhaustion on the other. There is a global freak show going on, a spectacle of disproportion and distortion reminiscent of those 19th century displays of deformed humans and animals. Only now it happens on a planetary scale and we’re all in it. At times, it seems as if the vicious comedy of the freak show might be the appropriate response to our present-day monstrosity.
Are you sure you want to leave?
Art Quarter Budapest
Budapest (HU)
Opening: 19.03.2022 Saturday 6 PM
On view: 19.03.2022 - 22.05 2022
Curated by: Krisztián Kukla
Delivery of the Sun - screening and talk
Vaasa (FI)
Date: Friday Nov 26th. 2021, 6 pm
Delivery of the Sun presents six films about distribution, darkness and the sun. Who gets access to light and how is it used? How do we distribute resources and build ethical frameworks around their use, even ones we experience as being ubiquitous, immaterial or lacking in value? Including an archival film and works by Zachary Epcar, Miriam Gossing & Lina Sieckmann, Michael Heindl, Dmitri Lurie and Fern Silva, this 55m screening is a collaboration between Filmverkstaden and their residency artist, Ruth Aitken.
10 Jahre Cinema Next - Ein Fest des jungen Films
Linz (AT)
Zum 10. Geburtstag feiert Cinema Next im Moviemento ein Fest des jungen Films: Gezeigt werden zwei Kurzfilmprogramme, die einen bunten Einblick in das aktuelle Nachwuchsfilmschaffen des Landes geben, viele Filmgäste werden die Screenings begleiten, und als Mitternachtseinlage gibt es bei einem Jubiläumsquiz Preise zu gewinnen!
Das Filmprogramm zeigt insgesamt zehn Filme, darunter einige von „Local Artists“ aus Oberösterreich: Sarah Braid und Felix Weisz sind mit ihren Animationsfilmen Irmas nächtliches Erlebnis bzw. Wormholes vertreten, Sarah Kreuz mit ihrem neuesten Musikvideo Burger, Michael Heindl lässt in All Now, All Free! seine Kunst nicht nur von Amazon liefern, sondern gleich auch sponsern, und Dominik Galleya und Clemens Niel zeigen im Kurzspielfilm tauchen einen jugendlichen Drifter auf der Suche nach Zugehörigkeit, Status und sich selbst.
Michael Heindl - Heavens Devils Afternoons
Kunstraum L201
Studenzen (AT)
Exhibition: 7.10 & 8.10.2021
15:00 - 20:00
Die ortspezifische Arbeit „Heavens Devils Afternoons“ wurde speziell für den Kunstraum L201 konzipiert und mit Frau Lenz (der Mutter des Kunstraumleiters) als Protagonistin umgesetzt.
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Spannung zwischen sozialen und geschlechtlichen Rollenzuteilungen und dem individuellen Entscheidungspotential über die Art und Weise, diesen Rollen gerecht zu werden. In der filmisch festgehaltenen Aktion, treffen zwei konträre Welten aufeinander. Sie handelt von der Möglichkeit, durch und mit den Mitteln des Alltäglichen gegen Konventionen aufzubegehren. Die Art dieses Widerstands ist nicht laut und brutal, sie ist subtil und das Ergebnis bleibt am Ende sogar unsichtbar. Seine Stärke erlangt die Aktion durch diejenigen, die darüber bescheid wissen, was es mit dem eigenartig geformten Bildträger auf sich hat. Soviel sei vorab verraten: Gänseblümchen Expressionismus trifft auf „Sympathy for the Devil“.
Biennale for contemporary art
Dresden (DE)
Exhibition: 1. July - 3 October 2021
In the rivers north the future / I cast the net (Paul Celan)
Being human is not enough, and already too much. Sometimes we act like robots, but want to feel like animals. How can we breathe and rethink work and pleasure, art and industry, politics and poetics, when everything flows into each other, like streams into a river? Is the whole planet our home or just the square meters we occupy?
Between disorientation and reorientation, to find new directions and avoid dead ends, we need to breathe differently. We have to change our perspective and pay attention to those at the borders of our field of vision: the misfits, the oppressed, and the unknown, but also biospheres, buildings and social spaces. At the gate of a new, post-pandemic era, exhausted but hopeful, curious and ready for a change, the OSTRALE in 2021 explores the ways we coexist with our fellow humans, animals and our complex environment.
Intertonale #6 - Artist in residence
Festival and seminar for music
Scheibbs (AT)
July 10 - July 16 2021
Diagonale 2021
Festival for Austrian Film
Graz (AT)
My film "All Now, All Free!" will be part of this year's Diagonale Film Festival in the category "Innovative Cinema":
The market leader in online sales delivers everything—with free delivery and return. Michael Heindl brazenly maxes out this offer and orders everything the heart of the penniless artist desires. A pile of packages = two creative works at no cost. An exhilaratingly critical testimony to the artwork in the age of its precarious producibility.
June 10th, 4:00 pm - Schubertkino
June 13th, 12:30 pm - Annenhof Kino
"Jury Prize 2021" - Österreichischer Kurzfilmpreis
Vienna Shorts Film Festival
My film "Spring Will Not Be Televised" won the "Jury Prize 2021" for the Austrian competition at this year's Vienna Shorts Film Festival.
Many thanks to the Jury for their decision and their great statement:
A deceptively simple study of how we perceive our world through mediated images, this film shows us a series of boxes within boxes as seen through the eyes of a Peeping Tom. The stories on the TV screens filmed through the windows of Viennese apartment buildings revolve around their own alleged truths, while a larger reality persists somewhere out of view. To quote from Gil Scott-Heron’s galvanizing funk anthem The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: “You will not be able to stay home, brother. You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.” The Jury Prize goes to Michael Heindl’s SPRING WILL NOT BE TELEVISED.
Skin In The Game!
Kunstraum Periscope
Salzburg (AT)
Opening: May 20th 2021, 7 pm
Exhibition: May 20 - June 19
Die Ausstellung Skin in the Game beschäftigt sich mit subversivem Verhalten. Sie macht die Besucher_innen zu Kompliz_innen von Grenz überschreitenden Handlungsstrategien und provoziert Fragen nach individueller Teilhabe am Kapitalismus und Wachstumsökonomie und moralischer Verhältnismäßigkeit von Regelverstößen dagegen.
Michael Heindl stellt in seiner Arbeit eine Handlungsanleitung für Kunstwerke ohne Produktionskosten vor, indem er die Freiheiten des Online-Versandes ins Absurde wendet. Karin Pfeifer stößt in einem Interview auf die Parallelen in den stereotypen Vorstellungen vom Berufsbild einer Künstlerin und dem eines Bankräubers.
max3min Film Festival
Milano (IT)
At the first edition of max3min festival my short film "Stones" (2019) was awarded with the JURY AWARD and the ARCHITECTS AWARD.
Many thanks to the Jury!
This Is Short
Film Festival
April 1st 2021 - June 30th 2021
The program of THIS IS SHORT is jointly curated by the members of the European Short Film Network (ESFN) and consists of original content as well as direct access to the online offerings of the four film festivals Go Short (NL), Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (DE), Vienna Shorts (AT) and Short Waves (PL). The short film portal is designed as an online festival experience, providing hundreds of films, a competition, interviews, talks and options for voting and feedback.
NEW POINT OF VIEW – The European online competition presents 23 short films (under 20 minutes). The films, which were nominated by the ESFN festivals, will be streamed one after the other for 84 hours each, starting April 1. The jury and audience will decide on the three prizes (worth a total of 8,000 euros), which will be awarded on June 21.
"Na drugi pogled // Auf den zweiten Blick // At Second Glance"
Online Exhibition
Austrian Cultural Forum, Belgrade (RS)
March 15th - April 30th 2021
The new online platform of the Austrian Cultural Forum was created in view of the current uncertain circumstances, but also opens the opportunities for the new forms of artistic creation and communication. It is conceived as an exhibition space for thematic and curated art content, which in the initial phase consists of works by 10 visual artists from Serbia and 10 from Austria that arrived for the competition announced for this occasion.
The selected artists from Austria are: Catrin Bolt, Eva Maria Schartmüller, Hannah Priemetzhofer, Hana Hannah Stippl, Julian Turner, Leonhard Pill, Michael Heindl, Sangam Sharma, Ulrich Reiterer and Walter Kratner.
The selection of artists from Serbia is consisted of: Aleksej Sivčević, Andrea Palašti, Boris Burić, Doplgenger (Isidora Ilić, Boško Prostran), Igor Ripak, Ivana Ivković/Marina Marković, Lana Vasiljević, Mariela Cvetić, Mirjana Đorđević Thaler and Tijana Petrović.
45th Hong Kong International Filmfestival
Film Festival
Hong Kong (CN)
April 1st - Apr. 12th 2021
As one of the oldest film festivals in Asia, the global reputation of the HKIFF was built on the pioneering work of programming Asian films and its retrospectives when Asian and Hong Kong cinema were not well known to the international community. Built on a solid reputation for programming, the HKIFF became the model for many subsequent film festivals around the region.
34th Stuttgarter Filmwinter
Festival for Expanded Media
Stuttgart (DE)
"Hard-Headed Harmony"
Jury: Andrea Martignoni, Marlene Denningmann und Thomas Renoldner
Jury statement:
For precise sound editing in perfect synchrony of the powerful and long resonance of different hollow elastic bodies chosen with careful precision, the special mention goes to HARD-HEADED HARMONY by Michael Heindl.
<rotor> - Center for Contemporary Art
Graz (AT)
Start of the exhibition: Friday, December 11, 2020, 14:00 to 19:00
Duration: 12.12.2020 – 27.2.2021
Participating artists:
Vagrich Bakhchanyan • Veronika Eberhart • Olia Fedorova
Julia Gaisbacher • Vitya Glushchenko • Christoph Grill
Michael Heindl • Maksym Khodak • Anna Manankina • Alina Sokolova studio ASYNCHROME • Helene Thümmel • Anton Tkachenko
Bernhard Wolf • Gamlet Zinkovsky • Anna Zvyagintseva
Curated by:
Nastia Khlestova, Tatyana Tumasyan / Municipal Gallery, Kharkiv Margarethe Makovec & Anton Lederer / < rotor >, Graz
Vienna International Film Festival
My short film "SPRING WILL NOT BE TELEVISED" (2020) will have it´s premiere at this years Viennale Filmfestival
Filmmuseum Wien: Oct. 24, 4 pm
Metrokino: Oct. 29, 1:30 pm
It’s rather uncanny to watch the television screens in the private living spaces Michael Heindl filmed in Vienna during the pandemic in spring of 2020. They are always on and we are not sure anybody is watching. Only once does a person close a curtain and thus lock out the world. Behind the empty flickering, a dangerous narrative emerges, one that shows a world that has escaped into the realms of the private. Donald Trump, Rocky Balboa, shots of the Alps, it’s all the same, nobody really cares but that’s all there is. (Patrick Holzapfel)
CROSSING EUROPE Innovative Award - Local Artist
Special mention for
STONES (BO/PE/CL/AT 2019, 3 min)
by Michael Heindl
by Michael Heindl
Changes - A residency project of the Galerie der Stadt Wels
Galerie der Stadt Wels,
Wels (AT)
Residency: 29.7.2020 - 23.8.2020
3 KünstlerInnen, 3 Wochen lang und das 3 mal. Dieses gezielt für OÖ KünstlerInnen ausgeschriebene Artist in Residence Projekt findet mit dieser gemeinsamen Ausstellung ihren Abschluss.
Vancouver International Film Festival
VIFF Connect - Virtual Cinema
Vancouver, Canada
Sep 24 - Oct. 7 2020
"In Times of Deception" (2019)
Trivial objects which we rely on daily are wittingly repurposed to interact with wild and stray animals. Can we trust these objects or, as with the confused animals, are they distracting us from a deeper truth about ourselves? Would we even know we are being deceived by these things?
Media Art Festival
Victoria BC, Canada
Oct 14. - Oct 24. 2020
Encompassing screenings, installations, performances and media hybrids, Antimatter provides a noncompetitive setting in Victoria, British Columbia, free from commercial and industry agendas.
This year’s hybrid festival includes limited-capacity in-person screenings with online streaming of each program for 24 hours the following day. Restrictions on travel and audience size preclude live performance events at this time.
Michael Heindl - Two Works For Free
QDK - Art Video Loop
Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna
Exhibition: Aug. 31st 2020 - Nov 1st 2020
Ausgehend von dem Bestellangebot des Onlinehändlers Amazon, wonach Produkte nach einer kurzen „Testphase“ mit Geld-zurück-Garantie, wieder retour gesendet werden können, entstand ein Film ohne Kostenaufwand. Die Handlung des Films, dreht sich dabei um eine Art Bastelstunde, in der ich aus überflüssigen Teilen der Verpackungen, in denen die Dinge angeliefert wurden, anhand von bestellten Bastelbüchern, ein „kreatives Objekt“ erschuf. Vom Material bis zur Idee, sollte dabei alles auf dem Warenangebot von Amazon aufbauen. Nach Ende dieser Aktion, wurden alle Dinge wieder verpackt und zurückgesendet. Was übrig blieb, waren „Two Works for Free“: der Film und das gebastelte Objekt.
Begehungen 2020 - Entwürfnisse: Ring8
Chemnitz, DE
August 13th - Aug. 16. 2020
The art and culture festival Begehungen has been taking place in Chemnitz since 2003 - as the largest off-culture event in the city. The trademark is an unconventional and low-threshold approach to art.
Common Ground - Annual Exhibition 2020
Salzburger Kunstverein
Salzburg (AT)
Opening: July 22nd 2020
Exhibition: 22.7 - 20.9.2020
The Annual Member’s Exhibition also takes place at the Museumspavillon this year and is a sales exhibition.
Curator: Séamus Kealy & the team of the Salzburger Kunstverein
The Crown Of The Corona
International Online Exhibition
Artqol Magazine
Vienna Shorts 2020
Film Festival
Vienna (AT)
May 28th - June 6th 2020
Short film as an art form is at the heart of VIENNA SHORTS, Vienna’s international festival for films up to 30 minutes in length. For the 17th edition we are forced to rethink our ideas due to the coronavirus—and will make those works that have been selected from more than 5,000 submissions for the 2020 festival visible and accessible online. (...)
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Film Festival
Oberhausen (DE)
May, 13th - May, 19th 2020
This year my film series "Alternative Acts" is part of the Sixpack Film distributor´s selection at Short Film Festival Oberhausen. The whole festival will take place online.
IR_REAL - Jung + Gegenständlich
Förderpreis des Bodenseekreises 2020
Galerie Bodenseekreis, Rotes Haus, Meersburg
Exhibition: May 20th, 2020 - Sep. 4th 2020
Diagonale 2020
Festival of Austrian Film
Graz (AT)
My Film "The Semiotic Machine" would have had it´s festival premier at this years Diagonale Film Festival. More Information here:
In accordance with the decree reagarding preventive measures against Covid-19 published on March 11th on the website of the Federal Ministry, the Diagonale’20 is forced to cancel this year’s Festival of Austrian Film
Waidhofen / Ybbs (AT)
Opening: 28. Feb. 2020, 7pm
Exhibition: 29. Feb - 29. Mar.
Participating Artists:
Ingo Abeska, Iris Andraschek, bankleer, Blue Noses Group,
Nayarí Castillo, Christian Eisenberger, Aldo Giannotti,
Johannes Gierlinger, Anne Glassner, G.R.A.M., Michael Heindl,
Andreas Heller, Anita Hofer / Reni Hofmüller, Katrin Hornek,
Franz Kapfer, Karl Karner, Leopold Kessler, Paul Lässer,
Damian Le Bas, Delaine Le Bas, Alfred Lenz, Hubert Lobnig,
Juan Pablo Macías, Frans Masereel, Ryts Monet, Ivan Moudov,
Anton Petz, Katrin Plavčak, Leon Podesser, Lavinia Raccanello,
RESANITA, Paul Schmidtbauer, Elisabeth Schmirl, Alexander Stern,
eva helene stern ***, studio ASYNCHROME, Tonto, Nasan Tur,
Vladimír Turner, Roswitha Weingrill, Markus Wilfling,
Johannes Wohlfart, Martin Zet, Gamlet Zinkovsky, zweintopf,
Curated by:
Margarethe Makovec, Anton Lederer
Das Weisse Haus
Vienna (AT)
"die weisse ab-haus-verkaufs-kunstschau" #06
Opening: Nov. 19th 2019
Exhibition: 20.11 - 7.12
Vienna International Film Festival
Vienna (AT)
October 24th - November 6th 2019
Four of my latest short films will be shown at this year´s VIENNALE
Municipal Gallery
Kharkiv (UA)
Opening: Oct. 22nd 2019
Artists: Vagrich Bakhchanyan, Veronika Eberhart (Veronika Vulpes Vulpes), Olia Fedorova, Julia Gaisbacher, Vitya Glushchenko, Christoph Grill, Michael Heindl, Maksym Khodak, Ann Manankina, studio ASYNCHROME, Helene Thümmel, Bernhard Wolf, Gamlet Zinkivskyi, Anna Zvyagintseva
Curated by: Nastia Khlestova, Anton Lederer, Margarethe Makovec, Tatyana Tumasyan
36. Kasseler Dokfest
Documentary, Film and Video Festival
Kassel (DE)
Alphabet des anarchistischen Amateurs
< rotor >, Center for Contemporary Art
Graz (AT)
Opening: 21. Sep 2019, 3pm
Exhibition: 22.9 - 21.12.2019
Künstler*innen: Ingo Abeska, Iris Andraschek, bankleer, Blue Noses Group, Nayarí Castillo, Christian Eisenberger, Memed Erdener, Veza Fernández / Christina Lederhaas, Aldo Giannotti, Johannes Gierlinger, Anne Glassner, G.R.A.M., Michael Heindl, Andreas Heller, Johanna Hierzegger, Anita Hofer / Reni Hofmüller, Katrin Hornek, Franz Kapfer, Karl Karner, Leopold Kessler, Paul Lässer, Damian Le Bas, Delaine Le Bas, Alfred Lenz, Hubert Lobnig, Juan Pablo Macías, Ralo Mayer, Ryts Monet, Ivan Moudov, Anton Petz, Katrin Plavčak, Leon Podesser, Lavinia Raccanello, Arne Rautenberg, RESANITA, Paul Schmidtbauer, Elisabeth Schmirl, Alexander Stern, eva helene stern ***, Mladen Stilinović, studio ASYNCHROME, Tonto, Nasan Tur, Vladimír Turner, Roswitha Weingrill, Markus Wilfling, Johannes Wohlfart, Martin Zet, Gamlet Zinkovsky, zweintopf
Programmverantwortliche: Anton Lederer, Margarethe Makovec
Funambuli: Leben als Hochseilakt
Stadtgalerie im Kunsthaus Weiz
Weiz (AT)
Opening: October 11th 2019, 7pm
Exhibition: 11.10 - 9.11
Artists: Christian Friess, Anne Glassner, Jakob Glasner, Michael Heindl, Ulrike Königshofer, Anika Kronberger & Daniel Fabry, Linda Kronman & Andreas Zingerle, Sandra Kosel, Julian Palacz, Amy Suo Wu
Currated by Günther Friesinger and Roswitha Weingrill
Marienbad Film Festival 2019
Film Festival
Marienbad (CZ)
31. Sep. 2019, 7pm
Screening of my Film "Hard-headed Harmony" (London, 2019)
Whispering Dialogues
Galerie Fünfzigzwanzig
Salzburg (AT)
Opening: July 12th, 2019, 7pm
Exhibition: Jul. 13 - Sep. 28
Gruppenausstellung mit Ricarda Denzer, FAXEN, Michael Heindl, Andrea Maurer und Christine Schörkhuber
OSTRALE Biennale O19
Historische Tabakfabrik f6
Dresden (DE)
Dialogkunst – Den Wert der Kunst erweitern
Depot - Raum für Kunst und Diskussion
Vienna (AT)
Montag, 18. März 2019, 19:00
Kunst entsteht im Dialog, Kunst ermöglicht Dialog. So liegt ihr Wert nicht ausschließlich in seiner Gegenständlichkeit, in seiner Warenhaftigkeit sondern auch oder vielleicht vor allem vor, neben und nach dem Werk selbst. Diese Befreiung des Wertes der Kunst von ihrer vordergründig „reinen Gegenständlichkeit“ eröffnet Möglichkeiten eines wertschaffenden Dialoges zwischen der Kunst und anderen gesellschaftlichen Akteuren, die aus künstlerischer, wissenschaftlicher und unternehmerischer Perspektive ausgelotet und diskutiert werden.
Christian Ahlfeld, Betriebswirt / Bankwesen
Gabriele Gottwald-Nathaniel, gabarage-upcycling design / Anton Proksch Institut
Michael Heindl, bildnerischer Künstler
Susanne Lederer Pabst, 4-your-biz / Impact Investing
Boris Manner, Autor, Kurator, Kulturmanager
Anna Vasof, Architektin und Medienkünstlerin
Moderation: Gernot Deutschmann, Dialogkünstler
In Kooperation mit Lluìs Lipp (DREISECHSFÜNF)
Archipelago - Insel des unvorhersehbaren Denkens
Hauptbücherei am Gürtel
Vienna (AT)
Eine Ausstellung im Rahmen der Wiener Festwochen 2018
Opening: May 28th, 2018, 7pm
Exhibition: 29.5 - 16.5
Artists: Iris Andraschek / Hubert Lobnig, Ovidiu Anton, Amoako Boafo, Carla Bobadilla, Natalie Deewan, Petja Dimitrova / ARA, Sophie Dvořák, Eva Engelbert, Aldo Giannotti, Marlene Hausegger, Michael Heindl, Elvedin Klačar, Ebru Kurbak, Tatiana Lecomte, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, Lisl Ponger, Wendelin Pressl, Kamen Stoyanov, Sophie Utikal, Anna Witt
Curated by Anton Lederer, Birgit Lurz, Margarethe Makovec, Wolfgang Schlag
N is for Nature
Forum Stadtpark
Graz (AT)
Opening: 4.5.2018, 6pm
Artists: Katarína Hládeková und Ondřej Homola, Michael Heindl, Bernhard Kathan, Othmar Krenn, Tina Lechner, Katharina Anna Loidl, Karl Neubacher, Wolfgang Temmel, Maximilian Prüfer, Kay Walkowiak, Jana Winderen
Curated by Zweintopf
Art and Music festival
Vienna (AT)
April 19th - May 4th, 2018
Michael Heindl bei SALON IG 2018
Galerie IG Bildende Kunst
Vienna (AT)
Jubiläumsausstellung ‚don’t call it off-space!’ –
10 Jahre das weisse haus
Das Weisse Haus
Vienna (AT)
Galerie AA Collection
Vienna (AT)
Kunstraum SUPER
Vienna (AT)
Salzburger Kunstverein
Salzburg (AT)
Bewährungsprobe #9
Depot - Raum für Kunst und Diskussion
Vienna (AT)
Monday, Nov. 7th, 2016, 7:00 - 10:30 pm
Michael Heindl, Eleni Kampuridis
Schoen Vergaenglich
Museum Moderner Kunst
Passau (DE)
Opening: June 25th, 2016
Exhibition: June 26th - July 24th
Fernando Álvarez Cozzi, Bogna Burska, Wojtek Doroszuk, Artur Grabowski, Funda Gül Özcan, Michael Heindl, Hubert Huber, Anna-Maria Karczmarska, Brigitta Muntendorf, Hannah Sieben, Héctor Solari
Vienna (AT)
Opening: May 6th, 2016, 7pm
Exhibition: May 7th - June 11th
Sarah Bechter
Veronika Gahmel
Elisabeth Greinecker
Michael Heindl
Nicholas Hoffman
Oliver Kowacz
David Peschka
Elizabeth Price
KlimARS 2016
Graz (AT)
Opening: April 7th, 2016, 6pm
Nora Bruggraber, Dorit Chrysler/ Monique Fessl, Michael Eisl, Benjamin Fillei, Beba Fink, Christina Gillinger, Artemi-Maria Gioti, Serena Hammerschmid, Michael Heindl, Markus Jeschaunig, Doris Knapp-Hybner, Matthias Krinzinger, Pauline Krizmanich, Taika Lik, Florian Nitsch, Gregor Pokorny, Florian Raditsch, Christoph Steiner, sunWorks, Paul Wolff
ARTmART 2015
Vienna (AT)
Opening: Nov. 18th., 1 pm
Exhibition: Nov. 18th 2015 - Nov. 22nd 2015
ARTmART is an exhibition and as well as an art market.
More than 2500 artworks by 250 artists at a unit price of 80€ for only one week!
afo Architecture Forum Upper Austria
Linz (AT)
Opening: Oct. 20th, 7pm
Exhibition: Oct. 21st 2015 - Jan. 29th 2016
Artists: AllesWirdGut, Clemens Bauder und Gregor Graf, Cäcilia Brown, Ruth Coman | Eva Mair | Isabel Zelger, Lorenz Estermann, Ulrich Fohler, gaupenraub+/-, Michael Heindl, Linde Klement, Thomas Kluckner und Leonhard Müllner, Nina Valerie Kolowratnik | Birgit Miksch | Johannes Pointl | Lea Soltau | Jasmin Stadlhofer | Anton Wagner und Mario Weisböck, Paul Kranzler, Melanie Leitner, Katharina Anna Loidl, Juan Muñoz, POSTMAN, Antje Seeger
Currated by: Franz Koppelstätter and Dagmar Schink
XWRA Video and Media Art Festival 2015
Ipati (GR)
Once I walked so far I lost my toenails
BB15 - Space for Contemporary Art
Linz (AT)
Verein Symposium Lindabrunn
Lindabrunn (AT)
Opening: April 25th 2015, 6 pm
Exhibition: April 26th - June 14th
Michael Heindl, Juliana Herrero, Herwig Holzmann, Korinna Lindinger + Anna Haber, monochrom, Julie Nymann, Andrea Peregrini, Roswitha Weingrill
Currated by: Günther Friesinger
Destination Wien 2015
Kunsthalle Wien
Vienna (AT)
Lecture at Lichtenberg Studios Berlin
Lichtenberg Studios
Berlin (DE)
Zukunft sichten im Vorwärtsdenken
Galerie Stoerpunkt
Munich (DE)
Das Rätsel des Überflüssigen
Munich (DE)